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Friday, 23 May 2014

1. Risk that this disease brings

End the familiarization with the risk that this disease brings, and possibilities to win her over.
It bodybuilding disease?
You have had the opportunity to read a two-part series on Big alexia (first and second), today we will end it.
We'll talk about the risks that come with this disease affected brings, and how you can fight it and win it.
Risks big alexia
Patients are primarily exposed to these risks:
Damage to the musculature system and its long-term overloading (overuse syndrome) – bigot, driven by morbid sense of muscular insufficiency
 Long overwhelm the individual structure of the active and passive loco motor system volume bodybuilding workout in order to stimulate the development of a muscle.
The body is daily hours and hours of torture in fitness centers with minimal space for regeneration.
Frequent and excessively demanding workouts, which does not follow after sufficient recovery, leading to minor and major injuries
The repeated minor injuries and under treated tissue responds to body inflammatory reaction.
Sufferers are not able to interrupt your training or the time necessary to heal wounds, so the damage becomes chronic and causes other negative changes in the body.
Excess body weight - an effort to increase muscle mass requires in addition to intense physical stress and increase energy intake.

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